40 years after its inception, IPG Automotive from Karlsruhe, Germany, stands for more than just CarMaker, a software that is known and used around the world. The company also offers holistic solutions covering the complete development cycle of all types of vehicles. Hardware solutions, such as the steering system test bench, which is also celebrating an anniversary this year, are a key part of this modular system.

IPG Automotive’s journey began the way that of many tech start-ups does: with a small group of people with an idea in a small room. On July 10, 1984, in a small apartment in Karlsruhe, the three founders of IPG Automotive started working on their vision of virtual vehicle development. In the 40 years since, the small apartment in Karlsruhe has been replaced by 16 sites worldwide, from the U.S. to Japan. The group of three founders has grown into a large team of over 450 employees, and their idea has evolved into a wide range of products.

Early on, IPG Automotive focused on modular software that supports customers with their individual development processes. As early as the 1980s, IPG Automotive recognized the potential of combining software and hardware and developed the hardware-in-the-loop method (HIL). This was the basis for the first HIL system that was launched in 1989. Over the years, the method has been adapted to suit a variety of vehicle components. A key milestone in HIL development was the first steering system test bench, which was built ten years ago.

Steering system test bench celebrates 10th anniversary

In 2014, IPG Automotive, a pioneer in virtual test driving, recognized the potential of using virtual test driving in the HIL environment to improve steering system development. To keep pace with the ever-increasing complexity of modern steering systems, IPG Automotive’s steering system test stand enables efficient and reproducible tests in a simulated environment. This test bench can be used to test real-world steering systems, whether EPS (electric power steering) or steer-by-wire. Test benches have many benefits over road testing: They allow flexible testing and identical repetitions – without any risk, as well as carrying out a wide range of function, performance and validation tests, regardless of the type of steering system. There is no need for a real test driver or a test track. IPG Automotive’s test benches are custom-made to meet the specific needs of each customer. For initial tests or short test tracks, test benches are available for rent at the company’s headquarters in Karlsruhe.

Innovating for the future

2024 not only marks the 10th anniversary of the test bench, but also the birth of another innovation in HIL: The combined steering and brake system test bench can be used to simulate real-world brake and steering systems in a causal loop in a highly realistic virtual environment. This makes the design and realization of integration tests more efficient.

But IPG Automotive is not just a hardware innovator: By working closely with customers, the company continuously adapts its entire product portfolio to dynamic market developments. This includes the annual releases of CarMaker, with more and more features supporting OEM and Tier I, as well as completely new products, such as the virtual tool suite VIRTO, which was released in 2022. From day one in 1984 to the present day, the spirit of innovation has been driving IPG Automotive to keep reinventing itself, even after 40 successful years in the market.


Foto: IPG Automotive

Author: Ralf Sauer, Vice President Marketing & Communications IPG Automotive